
About Lauren

I started twic in the winter of 2012 as a way to begin showcasing my personal style & attractions. After sifting through hours of fashion blogs a day, "why am I not doing this?" is a thought that recurred constantly. twic is an acronym derived from my initial, professional blog, The Walk-in Closet. I currently work for an international fashion Web site & do branding partnerships with companies all over the United States.

I don't believe in limits or boundaries, & such logic is demonstrated in both my aspirations as well as my censored-less language. I believe in using the hashtag "#swoon" at least once a day & firmly think that by italicizing, bolding, coloring (or a combination of the three) words adds a necessary element of spice to every post that would otherwise feel void. 

 About the Categories

"birchbox" is a monthly review of the beauty goodies I receive once every four weeks, complete with high-res photos, because a tube of lip gloss looks better in 2500 pixels.

"boyfriend" is a category dedicated to my beyond-obsession with menswear, & is a subtle "wish list" of requirements every feature love interest should take note of.

Who doesn't love a trip to Target? The classiest of all convenient stores deserves more than a category of it's own, but alas that is all I am able to offer.

No one likes to be off-trend. Keep up with the "chromatism" section just so you know when soft pinks are in & pastel pinks are out.

Although I consider myself THE fashionista of all fashionistas, once in a blue moon I come across a look or two I'm envious of. Some call it "street style," I call it "creepin'."

"current" posts are those that contain the season's current trends accompanied by a "get the look" section, because I wouldn't want to taunt you with $3,000 jeans on a size 0 model.

Fashion events are constantly happening, even if it's the fashion at events. "escapades" keeps you loop of what to wear & what was worn.

You'll never miss a memo with the "essentials" category. From beauty, to clothes, to music... you'll be the book-keeper for what's hot.

geeking out.
When fashion meets technology, sci-fi characters or comic book, I geek out. Because after all, what's more inspiring than Yoda or HTML coding?

nailed it.
With the growing trend of nail art, I am being forced to breakthrough my less-than-crafty abilities in order to stay relevant. 

My favorite category, appropriately. An homage to me & my outfits. Hopefully, you'll be inspired by a look or two.

turn of events.
If you've been around me for any length of time beginning with four seconds, you know when I have an opinion, I have an opinion. And, being a pisces, letting off my stubbornness is hard to come by. But when it does, "turn of events" will let you know. 

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