Thursday, June 7, 2012

narcissist: a dainty oxymoron

I've never been a guy's girl. 

In the fourth grade, I had this short sprint of mentality, thanks to Mary-Kate Olsen's character in the 1999 blockbuster hit "Switching Goals," that if I were to play soccer during recess with the boys (& sweat a lot), I would become a lot cooler & desirable than the girls who were making up dance routines to Destiny's Child's "Jumpin' Jumpin'" & practicing their high jumps & toe touches on the playground.

That theory was put to rest when pretty quickly when I was called out for picking up the ball with my hands, crying over a broken nail & someone commenting on how red my face was, all within twenty minutes.

Still, at 20, the only sport I seem to excel in is pinning a dozen swoon-worthy guys to my "gentlemen con swag" Pinterest board in less than a minute. (I'm trying out for the USA Olympic team next week, keep your fingers crossed!) However, even though every pore on my body exudes excess amounts of girl, I'm finding ways to include some masculinity into my wardrobe. Enter, the military jacket.

The military jacket has saved my outfits countless times since its purchase. Although I have worn it with pretty much every piece in my closet, today I played one of my favorite games called "Fashion Oxymoron," in which I pick the two most opposite items in my sight & wear them together. The outcome is always successfully repelling.

I'm all about tease mid-photo shoot.

Every photo set needs a "she looks like an asshole" pic.

Oh, stoooooop it!

This is a military-inspired look...

{contents} Forever 21 military jacket + Forever 21 lace dress + Urban Outfitters belt + 
Vince Camuto heels + Vintage Gucci}

lauren jerdonek.

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